Responsive Website Design

Responsive Web Design – A Better Way to Reach Maximum Audience

Nowadays around 40% people prefer smart phones and tablets to use internet.  Therefore, a website with multiple platforms is no longer having much importance. Google give more importance for responsive web design and this is the reason why webmasters are changing their web design.

What exactly is Responsive web design?

Responsive web design is simply a web page having a standard version, whether viewed via desktop, laptop or even mobile. A responsive web design makes your website more users friendly; one can see the same site in a tiny version when viewed via mobile. A responsive web site will contain a small button for menu, which touched will give a drop down list of all the necessary pages. Photos and graphics are clearer in a responsive web site, which makes the users more comfortable while viewing via mobile phones. Responsive web design makes the site look in a neat and arranged manner.

Why should one prefer responsive web design?

Flash: one of the common file type preferred by many of us in earlier times, but nowadays this file type is completely outdated. A flash type file never goes well with iPhones, which will interfere the SEO process too. Therefore, creating a responsive web page can bring you fruitful results, so be prepared and built out a better career through responsive webpage.

 Top SEO benefits of Responsive website

  • Google recommends responsive web design as the perfect and best method to get maximum mobile customers.  Mobile users will be comfortable once you design them in an easy accessible manner, thus promoting maximum mobile traffic and thus one can increase your sales.
  • Social reach is something which all the business people which to have, having a well-built RWD (Responsive web design) can help you reach maximum (actually not maximum almost every) customers.  Having easy accessible and responsive web page can help you gain new customers.
  • Responsive web design provides responsive content too. All the customers like such a web page, since they can access the data at any time anywhere.
  • A responsive web design will help you battle “high Bounce rate”. Contents those are dissimilar while going through desktop and mobile is well noted by Google. A site noted so will be given high bounce rate, which in turn affects your site rankings.  A Responsive web page makes sure that none of your content may cause any sort of problem while loading via desktop, laptop or even mobile.