UX and SEO

UX Designers and SEO Exports can Team Up for Improving Web Development

UX Designers and SEO Experts can Jointly Form a Good Web Development Team

For the last several years, SEO has witnessed an increased surge of popularity and whether you are an SEO by profession, a web designer, or a technical architect, you know that SEO plays a crucial role in the functioning of a website. While user experience (UX) design is considered as an essential component of a website, many web development teams still approach SEO experts as a reflection tacked on at the end of a project. Or worse, they merely make sure a website isn’t doing anything deliberately wrong, toss a few title tags and descriptions on key content pages, and call it a day. Read more

Improving Conversion Rate

Improving Conversion Rate on Your Business Website in 2015

How to Improve the Conversion on Your Business Website in 2015

For a business website especially ecommerce site, revenue is generated when there are conversions induced on their site. The website development experts need to design to the website in such way that it must provide better browsing experience for the user. The experts need to adopt latest techniques and utilize newest tools to make their site fast loading, fresh, easy-to-read and informative content, comfortable viewing, easy navigation and many more. Read more